The Right Way to Teach Reading

I have interviewed thousands of parents about the most important outcome they want for their child in school and their answer is always, “To love to read.” If we teach reading and writing utilizing an eclectic approach that includes whole language, decoding skills, vocabulary, and comprehension skills COMBINED with the child’s strengths and passions, your child WILL learn to read, be happy, and become a lifelong reader

I can help you on that path to success for your child. Contact me:

Here is some of the amazing work my students have created based on ideas from books and magazines they have read.

The Week Junior- This one is by far the best magazine for kids ever published. Weekly updates on news around the world. I received 600 porcelain chickens from a friend in NYC who inherited them. Every child picked one to take on an adventure. Then we learned all about chickens (even one in 1945 who lived for 18 months after having its head cut off). The children then made their own version called The Week of the Chickens Magazine just like the real The Week Junior!

A student read My Father’s Dragon and recreated the island out of junk. She also wrote the summary of the book.

A student went on a skiing vacation. He wrote a story about his trip, put the photos in a hard cover blank book, and then used an old, broken camera to make a character skiing!

A child read about the Here with Us Farm Sanctuary where disabled animals live. Then she chose an animal and wrote to it and it WROTE BACK!  

My husband and I have traveled to 70 countries learning all about animals and brought back that knowledge to my students.